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Traffic: Data analysis article

Paid social ads with the objective to generate traffic to deepdivr's website.

I was responsible for:

  • Ads copy
  • Creative and animating (Photoshop, Canva)
  • Setting up the campaign in LinkedIn Campaign manager and Facebook's Ads manager

Platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram

Objective: Traffic

Number of variations: 2

Version 1

Headline: 6 steps to get to the top 5%

Copy: ⚡ PAID SOCIAL MARKETERS: Getting ‘Actionable Insights’ from your campaigns can be tough.

You’re probably used to seeing a lot of metrics and making reports from them. That’s what about 70% of companies are doing. But there are 3 more steps to really get the actionable insights you’re looking for.

And it’s only few companies that are doing them…

Read the article below to find out if you’re taking all the vital steps in using your marketing data.

Visual: Static image

Version 2

Headline: 6 steps to get to the top 5%

Copy: ⚡ PAID SOCIAL MARKETERS: Getting ‘Actionable Insights’ from your campaigns can be tough.

You’re probably used to seeing a lot of metrics and making reports from them. That’s what about 70% of companies are doing. But there are 3 more steps to really get the actionable insights you’re looking for.

And it’s only few companies that are doing them…

Read the article below to find out if you’re taking all the vital steps in using your marketing data.

Visual: Static image

Shoot me a message if you're curious to learn more. I'm always up for a chat.