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Lead list: Classic content mistakes

Newsletter with the purpose to warm up leads before they move further down the funnel.

I ran a split test with 2 variations of subject lines. Short vs. long subject line and the primary KPI was open rate.


Subject line A (short): 24% open rate

Subject line B (long): 21% open rate

Subject line A: 4 content mistakes on social

Subject line B: Are you making these 4 content mistakes in your paid social?


4 common mistakes marketers make when reusing video content from other channels on social media

Video consumption keeps rising, especially on mobile devices. The increase has been almost 100% each year in the past 3 years.

55% of people watch videos daily. To top that, 54% of consumers want to see more video content this year. (Social Media Week)

With these stats also comes a greater pressure for marketers. One thing is to get great at making video content.

The other is to learn how to adapt it to different channels. And social media channels are a category on their own. So it's not enough to post the same video you made for other channels on your social media without any adjustments.

Below you can read the 4 most common mistakes we see marketers make with their social video content.

#1 Not adapting content to fit social media channels

Let's say you were running a TV video commercial. You've seen some good results, so now you want to post it on social media too. In most cases, the same approach to TV video ads won't work for social.

TV and other channels often use the traditional narrator model. It's when you're building up the story with the climax.

In social, you need an attention grabbing hook right at the beginning - preferably within the first 2 seconds.

#2 Designing videos with sound ON

Many users browse their social media with sound off. Unless they're on TikTok or YouTube, these are usually exceptions to the rule.

But on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, users scroll with sound off. So if your video doesn't engage people with sound off, it most likely won't succeed.

#3 Not adjusting the formats

In most cases, the formats for videos outside of social media are horizontal. Going by aesthetics, this format looks fine in the news feed. But the unfortunate thing is that it takes up a smaller part of the screen, than a square or horizontal view would. And taking up more space in the feed = making it more likely that people will actually see your ad, and make the action you want them to.

Readjusting from horizontal to vertical formats is something worth considering.

#4 Not testing enough

You don't always know what works.

Thinking that this one tactic will work 100% is nice, wishful thinking. But in reality, there are too many things to account for. Things like your audience, your content, product, etc.

That's why it's crucial to have a clear testing strategy to figure that out. The more different the creatives you are testing are, the more likely it is you will see something from your tests.

💡 Final thoughts

Before reposting your video on social, remember to adapt it to the social model.

Most social media users browse with their sounds off. So make sure your video catches the attention and makes sense even with sound off.

Square or vertical formats take more screen space than horizontal.

Don't shy away from split testing.


- Patrik

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